martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

The Teenage Brain

Have you as a parent ever wondered why your teenager kids are often so moody? Parents often forget that teenagers are still kids and that their brains are still developing. They treat teenagers almost as if teenagers are grownups and that they can do everything by themselves with responsibility. However, for teenagers, the years of puberty is chaos for each and every one of them. A good example of this would be Charlie form the video. Charlie is a teenager who doesnt get along with his parents very well. His brain is in the process of developing into a fully grown adult brain. Teenagers need at about 9 hours of sleep in order to be active in anything the next day (It was experimented by some scientists testing two teenagers). When teenagers get a good night sleep of about 9 hours then they can think better, learn better, and be more active in activities. It is a Irony that when teenagers brains are the most vulnerable they tend to do risky things. In conclusion, I learned that the teenage brain is very vulnerable and is still in the process of develping into a full adult brain. That is why I figured out that the teenage years are the most important in our lives because depending on what we do determines the future.

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

How Our Brains Work

1. What does the word "hemisphere" refer to when talking about the brain?
The word hemispehre refers to the 2 sides of the brain.
2. What are the major differences between the left and right sides of the brain?
The major differences are that each side controls different tasks. For example, the left side controls logic and right controls the artistic and creativeness.
3. What is the corpus collasum?
It is a white flat bundle of neural fibers beneath the cortex that connects the two hemispheres of the brain.
4. Explain the study performed by Paul Broca in which he discovered "Broca's Area."He was a French Physician, anatomist and the frontol lobe region of the brain was named after him. He researched some people in order to discover the function of the brain.
5. Explain the study conducted by Roger Sperry in regard to "split brain."
Split brain is when the brains corpus callosum that connects the two hemispheres is severly damaged which causes the person to be unable to name thing and just becomes a different person.
6. Explain the study conducted by Karl Wernicke which led to the discovery of Wernicke's Area."
Karl Weknicke a German neurologist was a person who hypothesized a link between the left posterior section of the superior temporal gyrus and the reflexive mimicking of words and their syllables that associated the sensory and motor images of spoken words. Which led him to the discovery of the Wenickes Area.
7. Which lobe is most responsible for vision?
occipital lobe
8. Which lobe is most responsible for hearing and language?
temporal lobe
9. Which lobe is most responsible for performing math calculations?
nuclei (the most anterior area of the brain)
10. Which lobe is most responsible for judgment, reasoning and impulse control?
Frontal lobe

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Phineas Gage


1. Who was Phineas Gage?

Phineas Gage was an American foreman in a railroad construction. He is mostly remembered for surviving an accident in which an iron rod was penetrated through his head.

2. Describe the event which caused his injury.

On September 13, 1848, the 25 year old Gage whose job was to blast rocks while preparing the roadbed for the Rutland &Burlington Railroad. After a hole was bored in a rock, he added blasting powder, sand, and adjusting an iron rod. The powder exploded and caused the iron rod to penetrate Gage’s head, therefore, damaging the frontal lobe of his brain.

3. What happened to him as a result of his injuries?

 The iron rod which was penetrated in his head did not cause him to die however, it greatly affected his personality and behavior permanantly.

4. What did we learn about the brain based on this case study?

We learned that all people have different sections in our brain controlling different parts. In this case, if the brains frontal lobe is affected then you lose the ability to control your behavior, just like Phineas Gage.

5. Explain the idea of brain localization?

Brain Localization is the idea of the brain being able to control different parts of the body. Also, it means that if a part of the brain is damaged then some function depending on the part of the brain would be hard to function.

6. Explain the concept of brain lateralization?

Brain Lateralization is the concept of the human brain spliting into two distinct hemispheres. Each side resembles each other and is basically mirrored.





miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Nature vs. Nurture - the Debate

Who first used the term Nature Vs. Nurture?

The terms "nature" and "nurture" as the roles of genetics and environment in human maturity can be traced back to 13th century in France. It was obviously debated by many people however; Francis Galton was the first person to coin this term.

What are a few of the topics that are part of the debate?

For many decades many topics were discussed by people for the term "Nature Vs. Nurture". One of the few topics that are still being debated is Homosexuality. The recent debate is whether or not homosexuality is an end result of a person's environment and surroundings, or of his herdity and genetics. Another debate that is talked about alot is "Criminal Acts". Debates of criminal acts referring to whether or not the crminal act is a result of a persons enviroment and surroundings while growing up or by heredity and genes.

What is the general consensus (overall belief) of the "dabate"?

Well according to psychologist Donald Hebb. He once answered to a journalist's question of "which, nature or nurture, contributes more to personality?" and in response Donald Hebb said, "Which contributes more to the area of a rectangle, its length or its width?". So like the statement mentioned above the debate of Nature Vs. Nurture is usually 50 to 50. But according to a website, 34%/240 votes believe that "Nature" has a stronger influence and 66%/460 votes belive that "urture"is more influencial.

What do you think?
I believe that "nurture" has a stronger influence in this topic. I think of this because when I was little I used to be like the little boy in the video we saw who had a "unknwon gender". I wasnt very similar to the boy however, I was a bit similar when it comes to being sort of girlish. But as I was growing my parents enforced me to act more like my sex. I belive that people can chnage accroding to their enviroment.

