miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

Nature vs. Nurture - the Debate

Who first used the term Nature Vs. Nurture?

The terms "nature" and "nurture" as the roles of genetics and environment in human maturity can be traced back to 13th century in France. It was obviously debated by many people however; Francis Galton was the first person to coin this term.

What are a few of the topics that are part of the debate?

For many decades many topics were discussed by people for the term "Nature Vs. Nurture". One of the few topics that are still being debated is Homosexuality. The recent debate is whether or not homosexuality is an end result of a person's environment and surroundings, or of his herdity and genetics. Another debate that is talked about alot is "Criminal Acts". Debates of criminal acts referring to whether or not the crminal act is a result of a persons enviroment and surroundings while growing up or by heredity and genes.

What is the general consensus (overall belief) of the "dabate"?

Well according to psychologist Donald Hebb. He once answered to a journalist's question of "which, nature or nurture, contributes more to personality?" and in response Donald Hebb said, "Which contributes more to the area of a rectangle, its length or its width?". So like the statement mentioned above the debate of Nature Vs. Nurture is usually 50 to 50. But according to a website, 34%/240 votes believe that "Nature" has a stronger influence and 66%/460 votes belive that "urture"is more influencial.

What do you think?
I believe that "nurture" has a stronger influence in this topic. I think of this because when I was little I used to be like the little boy in the video we saw who had a "unknwon gender". I wasnt very similar to the boy however, I was a bit similar when it comes to being sort of girlish. But as I was growing my parents enforced me to act more like my sex. I belive that people can chnage accroding to their enviroment.



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