lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

3 Selected Articles About Sleep

High School Students With A Delayed School Start Time Sleep Longer, Report Less Daytime Sleepiness

1. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Norwalk Hospital's Sleep Disorders Center
2. They did studies on 259 schools and they found out that students only get 7.03 hours of sleep. They wanted to see what effect it would have if they delayed the school to start a bit longer than the actual time.
3. As a result most of the students said that they didnt have sleepiness problems.
4. I think that delaying the school starting time to start a about an hour later would affect the students activity during the day positively.

Being A Night Owl In High School Is Linked With Lower College GPA

1. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Hendrix College in Conway
2. Researchers found out that people who tend to do work during the evenings or later during the night have poorer sleep hygiene and their academic results are not as good.
3. Results show peopel who study in the evening got a lower GPA than morning and intermediate types. Change in sleep behavior could result in improvement in academics and even get a higher GPA.
4. I think that if I was a senior in that position and i work late at night and dont sleep much my work and grade will be less than if i work early and sleep more.

Performing Under Sleep Deprivation: Its In Your Genes

1. University of Surrey's Sleep Research Center
2. They performed a research of how sleep deprivation could be realted to genes. Scientists and psychologists compared how people with only the longer gene variant and those possessing only the shorter one coped with being kept awake for two days.
3. They found out that some people struggled but eventually they concluded that individuals with the longer variant of the gene did very poorly on tests for attention and working memory.
4. I think that sleep deprivation may be a cause from genes. People with longer gene variants and shorter gene variants were tested and as a result it was proven true.

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